The History of The KKK in Chatham County

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a famous white supremacy movement. Starting in 1868 [1] in Pulaski, TN, it had a broad base of followers across the South. The Klan was very active in North Carolina, specifically in Alamance and Caswell Counties during 1869-70, but its activities were not limited to those counties. Beside rallying and massive gatherings, the Klan mobs, during its movement in North Carolina, committed more than one hundred lynchings [2]. Huber reports that in 1885 about 100 disguised men raided the Pittsboro jail in Chatham County and lynched four black men [3]. The NAACP in 1922 urged the American public to support an anti-lynching bill proposed by Leonidas C. Dyer, a Republican from St. Louis, MO [3]. The Klan was also very active in the post-world-war-II era, reaching its peak during the civil rights marches. The Greensboro Massacre is a popular modern example of the atrocities committed by the Klan. The incident took place in 1979 when the Communist Workers’ Party (CWP) marched against the KKK in a demonstration they called “Death to the Klan.” Then they engaged in a shootout with the Klan and the American Nazi Party resulting in the death of 5 CWP members [1].

KKK Rally in Chapel Hill1987 [4]

NAACP Sponsored Advertisement Supporting Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill [3]


  1. Trelease, A. (2006). Ku Klux Klan. Retrieved from
  2. Sorg, L. (2018, July 05). New report documents more than 100 lynchings in North Carolina, several in Chatham County. Retrieved from
  3. Huber, P. (1998). “Caught Up in the Violent Whirlwind of Lynching”: The 1885 Quadruple Lynching in Chatham County, North Carolina. The North Carolina Historical Review,75(2), 135-160. Retrieved from
  4. [Listen] Newly Discovered Images Document KKK Rally In Chapel Hill, 1987. (n.d.). Retrieved July 10, 2018, from